Loan amount : $22,000,000
No Pre-Sale
Clients required finance to complete a lifestyle village in regional NSW where most buyers would only consider finished products.
Given the strong track record in development, Twelve Grains Capital were able to provide construction facility with a very competitive rate despite the non-metro location and lack of pre-sale.
Exit: sale of properties
Urgent cash-out
Loan amount : $2,100,000
Clients were in distress as they were going to lose their stock unless payments were made in 3 days.
With clients' strong asset portfolio, Twelve Grains Capital provided $2.1M against their commercial and residential properties within 2 days.
Exit: refinance and sale of purchased stock
Loan amount : $17,500,000
Clients were re-developing in Melbourne CBD when project was halted due to serious asbestos issue. Despite strong relationship with their bank, they were denied additional capital for asbestos removal.
Twelve Grains Capital provided a bridging / gap solution for 3 months enabling the removal to occur and construction to remain on course
Exit: construction refinance
Loan amount : $35,000,000
Clients needed to settle on 2 big parcels of land in regional NSW where no lenders would've touched given the size of the land and loan.
Twelve Grains Capital were able to lend up to 65% LVR against valuation with DA in place.
Exit: refinance to construction facility